Inner Peace Outer Abundance Kim Ha Campbell 9781457556531 Books

Inner Peace Outer Abundance Kim Ha Campbell 9781457556531 Books
If I may, I would like to share my journey for the last year! My life leading up to this point will most assuredly have to follow in a book! April 2015 I was on life support. Only living for three reasons: 1-God 2-Doctors 3-God is not finished with me yet! He is still writing my STORY! I was on antidepressants for over 15 years because “doctors told me I was depressed!” In April of 2015 I was on an antidepressant called “Risperdal. Over the course of the year to follow I did a lot.. A LOT of work on my mind, body and spirit. I got a little better with each passing day. I had my ups and downs but nothing like before. You see, when you DIE and you are given a second chance, you don’t discount the blessing and the grace that you have been given! During the next days, weeks, and months to follow I worked very hard at HEALING. Friends, this has not been an easy process. A lifetime of abuse, disappointment, abandonment and hurt doesn’t go away overnight. What took a lifetime to create is taking a while to overcome. But God DOES put people in your path to help you, if you let them.. You just have to TRUST. You have to trust God, others, your heart, your spirit and your own SELF. I arrived home to find Kim’s book, Inner PEACE Outer ABUNDANCE in the mail! Oh how I have waited for the day to read this book. Sunday I not only read the book, I read THE ENTIRE BOOK!! I could not put it down…I noticed I did not even eat. I was emotionally still not where I wanted and NEEDED to be. I didn’t need food for my body; I needed food for my SOUL. At chapter 3 I already had tears pouring down my face. The taste of the tears was like the story that was unfolding before my eyes. As I read more and more I realized how difficult of a life Kim really has had. See friends, you can HEAR about someone’s life, and make your own opinion, but until you really know or better yet get a taste of how it was in “their footsteps” you cannot prejudge, or even have a clue what a person has gone through. The JOURNEY is what gets us to where we are!!! Kim’s “JOURNEY” is what inspired her to write this beautifully, eloquently, transparent, inspirational, and educational book for the entire world to see!!! I started the book at approximately 11:30a.m. And did not put the book down until I had finished each and every word on every page at 2: 37p.m.!!! PEOPLE!!! I will literally never be the same again!!! Kim and I share A LOT of the same experiences. Mind you they were on different levels, but we each had our OWN hurts, pain, trauma, disappointment’s, fears, abandonment and disbelief of how life was, but it was REAL to us!!! In her book, Kim speaks over and over about Inner PEACE Today is Tuesday… I read the book Sunday in its entirety and now each day for the rest of my life I will add a piece of this book to my daily devotions. Second best to the Bible in my opinion, I will not just read it but APPLY it to my life DAILY. I’ve come so far in a year, but I have so far to go!! Go get this book and START “letting” yourself live with Inner PEACE and Outer ABUNDANCE!!!
Tags : Inner Peace Outer Abundance [Kim Ha Campbell] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <b> Inner Peace Outer Abundance</i></b> by Kim Ha Campbell</i><br /><br />Delivering the best steps and mapping the clearest routes to help yourself,Kim Ha Campbell,Inner Peace Outer Abundance,Dog Ear Publishing, LLC,1457556537,BODY, MIND & SPIRIT General,Body, Mind & SpiritGeneral,SELF-HELP Personal Growth Success,Self-HelpPersonal Growth - Happiness
Inner Peace Outer Abundance Kim Ha Campbell 9781457556531 Books Reviews
Cracked me a good way
In Inner Peace Outer Abundance, Kim Ha Campbell has taught me the real meaning of vulnerablity creates strength.
I read her book over the course of several days to let the words really sink into my being. Each day the stories and actionable steps she shared made me laugh, cry, and feel more courage than I've felt in a long time. I realized how much of a good philosopher I've been AND how many limiting beliefs I've carried with me for far too long.
This is more than a book. I felt like Kim Ha Campbell and I were sitting having a cup of tea together. Her words created a safe space to explore and reflect on some painful and exciting times in my past.
Now that I have clarity and have reconnected with my Inner Child, I see the sky is not the limit...I am. I realize now that I can CHOOSE to have my Inner Peace Outer Abundance.
If you need a no B.S. guide to unlocking and unblocking yourself, I highly recommend that you invest (time, money, and emotions) into this book and experience a whole new way of living.
Kim teaches by example and sharing her incredible journey to finding her Inner Peace and Outer abundance to help you do the same. She teaches you how to use her very practical, simple and not always easy BEACH system to acknowledge, forgive, let go, be thankful and move on. This process will help you find your inner peace and outer abundance if you let it. Two favorite quotes (and there are many more) are “How would your life be different if… You stopped allowing other people to dilute or poison your day with their words or opinions? ..." --Steve Maraboli and "Detachment is not that you should own nothing, but nothing should own you.” —Ali ibn abi Talib. Thank-you Kim for sharing your story.
This is an amazing testimonial of survival and rising above difficult circumstances blended into a self help guide. I have read a lot of motivational books over the years, by nature I am always striving to improve and now as personal trainer who coaches and helps people realize their goals, I found Kim’s perspective to be refreshing as she is sharing real world experience. I often do not walk away from these types of books, that are non-fiction, thinking about my own life and questioning whether I am following my intuition to the inner peace path or with the experiences shared etched in my mind, like her 7up and apple in the refugee camp experience and some of her other experiences later after that(do not want to spoil the other parts for potential readers.) This book is confirmation of what we intuitively already know in our spirit. The beach and water is a source of energy and clarity. Highly recommend this book and hope to read more from Kim Ha.
Excellent read that takes you through Kim's journey in a way that you can almost feel some of her life's lessons. So many influences that brought her to being the leader that she has become. Inspiring and heartfelt reading that helps you understand that your personal journey can be used positively in your own life. Thanks for being real Kim. Peter Psareas
Authenticity at its prime! This book is absolutely life-changing and is a super easy read. The true life story of her escaping from Vietnam and her adventures will absolutely keep you on the edge of your seat. The lessons and truths in this book will definitely lead you to a path of inner peace and outer abundance. Nadine Psareas
If I may, I would like to share my journey for the last year! My life leading up to this point will most assuredly have to follow in a book! April 2015 I was on life support. Only living for three reasons 1-God 2-Doctors 3-God is not finished with me yet! He is still writing my STORY! I was on antidepressants for over 15 years because “doctors told me I was depressed!” In April of 2015 I was on an antidepressant called “Risperdal. Over the course of the year to follow I did a lot.. A LOT of work on my mind, body and spirit. I got a little better with each passing day. I had my ups and downs but nothing like before. You see, when you DIE and you are given a second chance, you don’t discount the blessing and the grace that you have been given! During the next days, weeks, and months to follow I worked very hard at HEALING. Friends, this has not been an easy process. A lifetime of abuse, disappointment, abandonment and hurt doesn’t go away overnight. What took a lifetime to create is taking a while to overcome. But God DOES put people in your path to help you, if you let them.. You just have to TRUST. You have to trust God, others, your heart, your spirit and your own SELF. I arrived home to find Kim’s book, Inner PEACE Outer ABUNDANCE in the mail! Oh how I have waited for the day to read this book. Sunday I not only read the book, I read THE ENTIRE BOOK!! I could not put it down…I noticed I did not even eat. I was emotionally still not where I wanted and NEEDED to be. I didn’t need food for my body; I needed food for my SOUL. At chapter 3 I already had tears pouring down my face. The taste of the tears was like the story that was unfolding before my eyes. As I read more and more I realized how difficult of a life Kim really has had. See friends, you can HEAR about someone’s life, and make your own opinion, but until you really know or better yet get a taste of how it was in “their footsteps” you cannot prejudge, or even have a clue what a person has gone through. The JOURNEY is what gets us to where we are!!! Kim’s “JOURNEY” is what inspired her to write this beautifully, eloquently, transparent, inspirational, and educational book for the entire world to see!!! I started the book at approximately 1130a.m. And did not put the book down until I had finished each and every word on every page at 2 37p.m.!!! PEOPLE!!! I will literally never be the same again!!! Kim and I share A LOT of the same experiences. Mind you they were on different levels, but we each had our OWN hurts, pain, trauma, disappointment’s, fears, abandonment and disbelief of how life was, but it was REAL to us!!! In her book, Kim speaks over and over about Inner PEACE Today is Tuesday… I read the book Sunday in its entirety and now each day for the rest of my life I will add a piece of this book to my daily devotions. Second best to the Bible in my opinion, I will not just read it but APPLY it to my life DAILY. I’ve come so far in a year, but I have so far to go!! Go get this book and START “letting” yourself live with Inner PEACE and Outer ABUNDANCE!!!

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