Gitanjali Rabindranath Tagore William Butler Yeats 9781420926309 Books

Gitanjali Rabindranath Tagore William Butler Yeats 9781420926309 Books
I have worked for over thirty years at the Tel Aviv University and lived for more than five years in the Tel Aviv suburb of Ramat Aviv, just a stone throw away from the Tagore Street. Although I must have said many times "Meet me at the corner of Tagore", I read his Gitanjali only now. Written in Bengali in 1910 and translated into English by Tagore himself (with many alterations from the original cycle), it earned Tagore a Nobel Prize in literature and universal acclaim in the Western world. In the Xist Publishing edition it includes a rather lengthy and somewhat laborious preface by William Butler Yeats. The cycle of 103 short poems, written in white verse, can be best compared to a fusion of Biblical Psalms and Shakespeare's Sonnets. But while the author in Psalms often asks for divine intervention in his affairs (such as a protection against enemies), and Shakespeare bemoans his often unrequited carnal desires, Tagore asks for nothing, except the unearned bliss of living and dying in God's bounty of beauty and wonder of the Universe. While today some of the poems may seem over-lyrical and by contemporary standards, even gushing – they are pervaded by breathtaking beauty of perception and humility. A rare gem, possibly to be read every day. For just a taste-On the day when death will knock at thy door what wilt thou offer to him?
Oh, I will set before my guest the full vessel of my life – I will never let him go with empty hands.
From Song 90

Tags : Gitanjali [Rabindranath Tagore, William Butler Yeats] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Gitanjali, or Song Offerings, is a collection of poems translated by the author, Rabindranath Tagore,Rabindranath Tagore, William Butler Yeats,Gitanjali,,1420926306,Spirituality - General,Prose poems, Bengali,General,POETRY General,Poetry,Poetry by individual poets,Religion Spirituality
Gitanjali Rabindranath Tagore William Butler Yeats 9781420926309 Books Reviews
The material is, of course, splendid. However, I found it a rough there were no markings to indicate endings or beginnings of thought passages. Luckily, I had another old reprint copy so I was able to edit this new one for myself. Perhaps there was a warning to the reader about the lack of editing in this volume when I ordered it. Has I known, I would not have purchased it. However, I am glad to have a new copy.The thoughts are beautiful and worthy of prayerful reflection.
I bought this because I wanted a collectors edition of Rabindranath Tagore's Gitanjali. He is my favorite mystical poet. I own several copies of this book because I love his poetry and find myself recommending him to anyone who reads poetry or is interested in spiritual or mystical writing. There are more recent publications of this work. If you like poetry you will love the English translations of his works.
The Bengal poet Tagore rates as one of the greatest poets of all time. This book is just another example of why the great British poets often described Tagore as the ultimate poet. This is a very enjoyable and relaxing read for readers who appreciate books reflecting spiritual commitment. Its enjoyable to temporarily change from scientific, economic and technical books to read poetry with its wonderful pace and rhythm. Gitanjali is a classic of Indian poetry, and reflects the same importance of worship and spirituality that is consistent with the history and development of indian music. Gitangali is one of Tagore's finest and best know works and recognized as such for good reason. A pleasant and enjoyable evening read .
This is not a story it is poetry. It is beautiful spiritual poetry. Rabindranath Tagore's Gitanjali is my favorite book of poetry. Each poem finds wonder and relationship with the Divine in very commonplace occurrences. This particular printing strings all of the individual poems together so that I had to use another edition to separate them with dividing lines and the number of the poem in the margin. Fewer pages make for a slimmer book, so I am happy to have this copy to carry with me when I want to.
We return to Birbhum, which in the nineteenth century saw the birth of the protean figure of modern Indian literature, Rabindranath Tagore poet, playwright, songwriter, folklorist, educational reformer, Nobel laureate. In 1912, in his fifties and with a large body of Bengali-language poetry behind him, Tagore translated a book of his "austere devotional songs" into English GITANJALI. It was a wild success and is still many readers' introduction to Tagore; but to some its Anglo-Indian English may resemble the bad, solemn early twentieth-century slush that made "mystical verse" something people would leave the state to avoid. In 2011, with a spate of Tagore anniversaries looming (the hundred-and-fiftieth anniversary of his birth in 1861; the hundredth of the publication of GITANJALI in 1912; and the hundredth of the Nobel in 1913) the British poet and translator William Radice produced a new edition of GITANJALI that would tackle some of the questions that had long attended the work. He has made a fresh translation directly from the Bengali, as Tagore's prose translations had radically altered the originals and disguised the formal variety of the collection; he has reprinted the only existing manuscript of Tagore's that Tagore had given to his friend, the artist William Rothenstein, which restores not only the original order of the poems but allows us to read them without the revisions of the printed edition, attributed largely to William Butler Yeats; and includes the version as originally published--the GITANJALI we know. It is a remarkable and fascinating reinvention of a classic, which has convinced me once again not only of the work's place in Tagore's career but of the unique quality of its vision and music. This edition is a wonderful compliment to Radice's other selection of Tagore's verse (SELECTED POEMS, Penguin, 1987), a Tagore you can recommend without apology or embarrassment, and which gives us a poet who alters your notion of twentieth-century poetry. TAGORE AN ANTHOLOGY, edited by Krishna Dutta and Andrew Robinson (St. Martin's, 1997) gives a good selection of Tagore's prose, verse and non-fiction.
Glenn Shea, from Glenn's Book Notes at
I have worked for over thirty years at the Tel Aviv University and lived for more than five years in the Tel Aviv suburb of Ramat Aviv, just a stone throw away from the Tagore Street. Although I must have said many times "Meet me at the corner of Tagore", I read his Gitanjali only now. Written in Bengali in 1910 and translated into English by Tagore himself (with many alterations from the original cycle), it earned Tagore a Nobel Prize in literature and universal acclaim in the Western world. In the Xist Publishing edition it includes a rather lengthy and somewhat laborious preface by William Butler Yeats. The cycle of 103 short poems, written in white verse, can be best compared to a fusion of Biblical Psalms and Shakespeare's Sonnets. But while the author in Psalms often asks for divine intervention in his affairs (such as a protection against enemies), and Shakespeare bemoans his often unrequited carnal desires, Tagore asks for nothing, except the unearned bliss of living and dying in God's bounty of beauty and wonder of the Universe. While today some of the poems may seem over-lyrical and by contemporary standards, even gushing – they are pervaded by breathtaking beauty of perception and humility. A rare gem, possibly to be read every day. For just a taste-
On the day when death will knock at thy door what wilt thou offer to him?
Oh, I will set before my guest the full vessel of my life – I will never let him go with empty hands.
From Song 90

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