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⋙ Read Spencer Mountain Earl Hamner 9781568490229 Books

Spencer Mountain Earl Hamner 9781568490229 Books

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Spencer Mountain Earl Hamner 9781568490229 Books

I've been looking for "Spencer's Mountain" (at a reasonable price) forever, having seen the movie (with Henry Fonda, Maureen O'Hara, and James MacArthur) several times. Now that I've read the book, I can see the movie was surprisingly loyal to it, with changes primarily to location (movie was Wyoming Tetons, book Virginia Appalachians) and time period (movie was 1950-60's, book 1930's).

"Spencer's Mountain" is the story of a rural Virginia family - rich in core values but poor in actual cash - and their efforts to get see that the oldest child is able to attend college during the 1930's depression. Although the boy has the desire, the abilities and the drive, the funds are the key sticking point. Father Clay Spencer is determined to see that all his children do better than he did, not just by completing high school but perhaps even going farther. Clay is bigger than life, and his sayings, stories, curses and habits fill the book, but his oldest son's dreams permeate every quiet moment, and lay the groundwork for the family future.

This was Earl Hamner's second novel, which he based on his own childhood in Schuyler, Virginia; he named the novel after his paternal grandmother Susan Henry Spencer Hamner. This book also provided the basis for "The Waltons" (named after another family member), although adult themes were sanitized for the television hour. Towards that end, I should mention that Clay Spencer is forthright in the book about his trouble with organized religion of any kind, and that his oldest son Clay Spencer Jr. is taught about intimacy by his father while watching a cow and a bull, and has an undescribed intimate encounter with his girlfriend.

The book was easy, almost Scholastic Book Club level, reading, but I believe that is due in part to the simple values and messages conveyed. I had hoped there was more story than what the movie showed. But if I had read the book first, I would have loved the movie even more for being so loyal. A kind book, with heart, about a hardworking family during the depression.

Read Spencer Mountain Earl Hamner 9781568490229 Books

Tags : Spencer's Mountain [Earl Hamner] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <div>The classic novel that inspired the television series "The Waltons, " read by the series' star. </div>,Earl Hamner,Spencer's Mountain,Buccaneer Books,1568490224,FIC000000,General,Fiction,Fiction - General,Fiction General,Modern fiction

Spencer Mountain Earl Hamner 9781568490229 Books Reviews

I would have given it a 5 star rating but I expected it to be just like the TV show and it wasn't. But it was a good story and I enjoyed it.
Earl Hamner at his finest. The much-loved characters audiences around the world have come to know and love as the Walton's, are introduced here as the family most-often pictured around the environment of Spencer's Mountain. Having read The Homecoming first, I enjoyed very much delving into Spencer's Mountain. Hamner has a gift of bringing to life diverse situations, set amid the Blue Ridge Mountains of his youth.
I truly enjoyed every page of this book. I was transported into another place, as I imagined New Dominion, Walton's Mountain, and Spencer's Mountain all at the same time. It was such a pleasure reading this book. I looked forward to returning to my reading everyday. Almost sorry to come to the end, as I wanted it to go on and on. I ordered another copy for my Mom as she is a Walton's fan. I am waiting with excitement for delivery of two more of Earl Hamner's books. I HIGHLY recommend this book. I loved it. Thank you Robin E. Surprise, AZ
This was a sentimental journey for me, as I was an avid viewer of "The Walton" when it was a TV series and I remember the movie, "Spencer's Mountain" with Henry Fonda and Maureen O'Hara. Earl Hamner's writing is folksy and appropriate for the setting. It's not an earth-shattering story, but it is a nice respite from today's world.
I bought this book because I truly used to look forward to watching The Waltons every single week from the time I was twelve to the time the series ended. Something about it was just spellbinding to me. And by the time I had finished it I found that I had thoroughly enjoyed Spencer's Mountain. At the first, though, it was a bit hard for me to get into because I kept wanting to see the old Walton's characters that I remember so well.
I can easily see how the series developed from this book, but I think I would have enjoyed the book more if I hadn't had the distraction of having been familiar with the characters in the series.
Even so, I enjoyed it and I'm very glad I decided to read it. It was a beautifully written book.
"Spencer's Mountain" written by Earl Hamner is the book that inspired "The Walton's" television series and the movie "Spencer's Mountain". The book was well written and gave you a lens into life in the Virginia mountains during the depression era. The story is not as clean cut as "The Walton's" giving you a more realist life experience. Clay-boy's love interest showed the innocence of the time and by its simplicity seemed to make it all the more lifelike from the viewpoint of a young man in that time and place. One of my personal favourite parts of the story was the antics of Clay Spenser (Clay-boy's father) fishing and drinking with the new preacher, Goodman, I will not ruin the story with what happens, but I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did. Also if you read and like this book, I would also recommend "The Homecoming A Novel About Spencer's Mountain" which is a later follow up book to this one.
This is kind of a strange, ass-backward review. I have read everything Earl Hamner has written, watch The Waltons on TV five days a week and have watched the movie Spencer's Mountain at least a dozen times. Here's the thing; if you seen the movie, you don't need to read this. As soon as I began reading this newly purchased book the other day I realized that it reads like a screenplay (or the screenplay stayed very close to the book)

The book lacks Hamner's poetic magic in capturing the beauty of nature and man that his later books achieve. Hamner offers greater eloquence in those last one minute narrations after each Walton TV episode than is found here in this book. So, if you're seen the movie, you'll find this book is, with a few variations, nearly word for word the screenplay of the movie. And if you're looking for Hamner at the top of his game, read his other books, all of them fine and good.
I've been looking for "Spencer's Mountain" (at a reasonable price) forever, having seen the movie (with Henry Fonda, Maureen O'Hara, and James MacArthur) several times. Now that I've read the book, I can see the movie was surprisingly loyal to it, with changes primarily to location (movie was Wyoming Tetons, book Virginia Appalachians) and time period (movie was 1950-60's, book 1930's).

"Spencer's Mountain" is the story of a rural Virginia family - rich in core values but poor in actual cash - and their efforts to get see that the oldest child is able to attend college during the 1930's depression. Although the boy has the desire, the abilities and the drive, the funds are the key sticking point. Father Clay Spencer is determined to see that all his children do better than he did, not just by completing high school but perhaps even going farther. Clay is bigger than life, and his sayings, stories, curses and habits fill the book, but his oldest son's dreams permeate every quiet moment, and lay the groundwork for the family future.

This was Earl Hamner's second novel, which he based on his own childhood in Schuyler, Virginia; he named the novel after his paternal grandmother Susan Henry Spencer Hamner. This book also provided the basis for "The Waltons" (named after another family member), although adult themes were sanitized for the television hour. Towards that end, I should mention that Clay Spencer is forthright in the book about his trouble with organized religion of any kind, and that his oldest son Clay Spencer Jr. is taught about intimacy by his father while watching a cow and a bull, and has an undescribed intimate encounter with his girlfriend.

The book was easy, almost Scholastic Book Club level, reading, but I believe that is due in part to the simple values and messages conveyed. I had hoped there was more story than what the movie showed. But if I had read the book first, I would have loved the movie even more for being so loyal. A kind book, with heart, about a hardworking family during the depression.
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