Angel Rogue Fallen Angels Book 4 edition by Mary Jo Putney Literature Fiction eBooks

The Rogue...
A master spy with the face of a fallen angel and a darkly heroic past, Lord Robert Andreville returns to his ancestral home in Yorkshire after a dozen harrowing years spying against Napoleon. But nothing soothes his ravaged spirit until a determined young beauty sweeps into his life.
...and the Runaway
Half Mohawk and all American, Maxima Collins is a wary stranger in a strange land, but she will let nothing halt her journey to London to learn the truth about her father's sudden death—not even a self-appointed guardian who is all lazy charm and dangerous skill.
Together they travel across England, evading pursuers and circling each other in a dance of desire, where truth is elusive and only passion is sure. Then dark secrets shatter their idyll—and only love has the power to heal the past.
* Romance Writers of America RITA® Finalist for Best Regency Romance
The Fallen Angels series
Book 1 Thunder & Roses
Book 2 Dancing on the Wind
Book 3 Petals in the Storm
Book 4 Angel Rogue
Book 5 Shattered Rainbows
Book 6 River of Fire
Book 7 One Perfect Rose (Coming soon!)
Angel Rogue Fallen Angels Book 4 edition by Mary Jo Putney Literature Fiction eBooks
I've read almost all the books from the "Fallen Angels" series (I have yet to read Kenneth Wilding's story) and greatly enjoy every one of them. Excluding... this one. I have to admit after finishing this story I was left with the feeling that I could very well save me the effort, time and money, because it was not worth it.The plot lacks substance and depth. The central intrigue triggering the action (the suspicious death of Maxima's father) is quite superficial and when solved water down into a big "Meh". The characters are bi-dimensional, although Putney tried to flesh it out with narratives from painful experiences, traumatic nightmares, moral crisis, colorful upbringing, meditation and a big BLAH. However, in my opinion, it failed miserably, probably because what could have been a solid short story (part of a good compilation) was attempted to be extended—and absurdly frame it with the 4 protagonists from the series (Luce, Rafe, Nicholas and Michael)—and the result is mediocre and feeble, at best.
The characters from the secondary romance (Giles and Desdemona) were more interesting to follow than the H/h, aka—the short Robin and the tiny Maxie (it was annoyingly unnecessary the constant reminders about their height!).
In short: this book is a lemon so make yourself a lemonade.
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Tags : Angel Rogue (Fallen Angels Book 4) - Kindle edition by Mary Jo Putney. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Angel Rogue (Fallen Angels Book 4).,ebook,Mary Jo Putney,Angel Rogue (Fallen Angels Book 4),Pandamax Press,Fiction Historical,Fiction Romance Historical Regency
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Angel Rogue Fallen Angels Book 4 edition by Mary Jo Putney Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
This is my favorite book in the Fallen Angels series. There were points where a reader needed to suspend reality (like when Maxie initially decides to walk across England, and packs contraceptive tea) but it's forgivable because that's true of most historical romance novels. After Petals in the Storm, I hoped Ms. Putney would find a match for Robin. Maxie is perfect for him. The plot moves along at a reasonable pace, and both main characters are easy to like. Secondary characters were well-written, too. A great beach read!
The four central characters were all likable and sympathetic. Robin was especially quick witted and humorous, even with his demons. This was a return to the level of Thunder and Roses. I do have a bit of a quibble It almost seemed that we got to page 350 or so and Putney said, Time to wrap this up." Within a few pages, Robin and Luce unraveled the tangled threads. The wicked uncle and his henchman became innocuous men attempting to protect Maxie from disturbing truths and potential social ruination. I could have done with a bit longer wind down with a bit more plausible development of secondary characters that show consistency from beginning to end.
I have followed MARY JO PUTNEY since she first started to write historical novels and I have never been sorry!
This book is like so many others of hers in that you are drawn in immediately and get chuckles and some sad moments too. All the emotions of the main characters are so real and believable that you can "fall into the book" very easily.
Her writing is one of my favorites because she brings in characters from earlier novels and they've grown older and matured but still have the qualities that you admired in their own books.
I do not give away story plots in my reviews but will say that this one is unusual and yet true to life and very much of interest.
Again she is another favorite author also because I find no "blips" or bumps in her novels with English usage mistakes that drive me crazy in other author's books. When I see something that is downrRIGHT Wrong (LOL) it causes a cringe and I am immediately thrown back to this time OUT of the book! When I read a novel---I AM IN it! (ask my hubby--she laughs at the expressions on my face whilst I'm reading!) .
THIS book is worth the investment of your time and emotions!
Fourth in a series of seven excellent books, each surprisingly different. Here, Robin Andreville, who appeared in the third entry of the series, has returned to England after Bonaparte's final defeat. Trying to readjust to civilian life, he meets Maxima Collins, the American daughter of an English noble and Mohawk woman, who is determined to solve the mystery surrounding her father's death. That's the basic plot of the book. The treat for readers is the complex and rich characterization of the two protagonists, which transforms this book into something quite unforgettable. Sparkling dialogue, adventures and the discovery by each character of their other half are all superbly rendered. I recommend the entire series...but this may be my favorite.
I've read almost all the books from the "Fallen Angels" series (I have yet to read Kenneth Wilding's story) and greatly enjoy every one of them. Excluding... this one. I have to admit after finishing this story I was left with the feeling that I could very well save me the effort, time and money, because it was not worth it.
The plot lacks substance and depth. The central intrigue triggering the action (the suspicious death of Maxima's father) is quite superficial and when solved water down into a big "Meh". The characters are bi-dimensional, although Putney tried to flesh it out with narratives from painful experiences, traumatic nightmares, moral crisis, colorful upbringing, meditation and a big BLAH. However, in my opinion, it failed miserably, probably because what could have been a solid short story (part of a good compilation) was attempted to be extended—and absurdly frame it with the 4 protagonists from the series (Luce, Rafe, Nicholas and Michael)—and the result is mediocre and feeble, at best.
The characters from the secondary romance (Giles and Desdemona) were more interesting to follow than the H/h, aka—the short Robin and the tiny Maxie (it was annoyingly unnecessary the constant reminders about their height!).
In short this book is a lemon so make yourself a lemonade.

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